5 Great Reasons To Clean Your Carpet & Upholstery This Spring

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With the early onset of spring this year, dust and pollen will leave your home in desperate need of a seasonal overhaul. Spring cleaning may not be on your mind, but we have a few tips to help make cleaning a ~~~Breeze.

  1. Springing into Cleaning

Try to start in the smallest room or area and work your way through the rest of your home. This will not cause you any over exhaustion, especially by working through a little at a time. Before you know it, you’ve cleaned your home from top to bottom. Starting with organizing your paperwork to thoroughly cleaning your furnishings.

In no time, your home will look and smell Lemon-y Freshh!!

  1. Keeping Those Allergens at Baycarpet_bacteria1

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology states that Seasonal allergies

affect over 35 million people in the United States. Outdoor air pollutants are definitely carried into your home by you, your family or your friends. These air pollutants contain pollens, fungus, bacteria, air pollution, cigarette smoke, car exhaust and hundreds of other chemicals. These pollutants are carried in by you or family members and usually end up in the carpeting of your home.

One way to stop those grimy pollutants from coming into your home is to have everyone take their shoes off at the door. I know that it’s a pain to do, but you will be extending the life of your carpet.

Which is more important? Your family and friend’s feelings OR your investment, and your family’s health.

I like the second answer myself.

  1. People & Pets: Protecting Your Carpeting

The American Pet Products & Manufacturers Association also states that the United States is home to some 68 million dog owners and 73 million cat owners. That’s a lot of love—and a lot of carpet stains. Accidents on carpet require quick cleanup to remove bacteria and odor.


We are here to help with that!!

  1.  Keeping Your Indoor Environment Healthy

As much as 90 percent of our time is spent inside, especially during colder weather. So far, the Environmental Protection Agency estimates the air inside homes is 2-5 times more polluted than the outside air. Yuck!!!

The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) recommends following these tips to help you to maintain a healthy indoor environment for you and your family:

  • Maintain a humidity level below 60 percent. Higher humidity creates an environment for mold growth and produces allergens.
  • Vacuum regularly. Your carpet and fabric furniture can hold dust and particle soil, mold spores and other harmful allergens.
  • Have your furniture cleaned professionally once a year by an IICRC-certified firm to ensure the use of proper extraction procedures, to make certain that soil is not just redistributed, but removed.
  1. To Keep Your Carpet Looking Its Best

Your carpet can last a very long time if it is properly maintained and cared for. The fact is…. That if you clean your carpets frequently, especially when traffic lanes first start to appear, they will last longer, look better, and protect your family’s health. Awesome!!


One more great tip during spring is to get out and enjoy the weather. The National Park Service announced their first peak bloom prediction at a press conference on the morning of March 1. They predict that the cherry blossoms will reach peak bloom between March 14 and 17, 2017. According to, the National Park Service, this is the earliest peak bloom on record since March 15, 1990.

Wow! That’s Extraordinary!

Peak bloom usually happens around the last week of March to the first week of April.

Well…. Not this year!

I wonder what will happen next……Extinct animals coming back?

Anyway…. Get out and enjoy this year’s Cherry Blossom Festival. Check out the great events happening in Washington, D.C. celebrating this year’s cherry blossoms here.